What is cloudten?

Posted by cloudten team on

Welcome to the cloudten website – we’re happy to have you here. You may be scrolling around and thinking, what is cloudten? Who are these crazy people who decided to dedicate their lives to making sure I get an amazing sleep in the world’s best sheets?

You see, cloudten is all about the search for your own personal paradise - whatever that may be. What drives you to continue creating art, what motivates a hard day’s work? cloudten is a state of absolute bliss: big smiles, peaceful sighs, authentic laughter- that one moment all the other work was worth it for.

For us, we found nirvana wrapped up in cotton sheets that were responsibly-made and artisan-crafted at the end of a long day, and it is with sincere joy that we share these sheets with you. We made these sheets for those who, like us, find their beds to be a center of happiness and a base for dreaming, loving, and creating. We’re obsessed with making artistic and unique content for the late sleepers, restless lovers, late night creators, constant cuddlers and choose-sleep-over-anythingers; even you, snooze-button-smackers. And while we find our paradise between the sheets, we’re here to embrace and document the journey for every individual’s cloudten, whatever and wherever that may be.

So it is with the dream of building a community of sleep-loving artists and creators that we set out on the cloudten journey.

Stay tuned to our Instagram and Facebook for bed-loving, life-celebrating content – and from our team to yours, welcome to bed heaven.

Shop cloudten sheets by clicking here, or add straight to your cart below. or add straight to your cart below.




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